Photos of Lorain, Ohio organizations, 1906

Four photos of organizations in Lorain, Ohio circa 1906.
The first photo, upper left, is of a choir group. Photographer unknown.
The photo at the lower left shows a group of people. At the bottom of the photo is written "163 - 8th Anniversary Local Nolgo (?) Local BoilerMaker and Iron Ship Builders and Helpers". This group is most likely the local branch of the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders and Helpers of America, which would have been the labor union for the American Ship Building Company of Lorain, Ohio. The word "Leiter" in the bottom left corner of the photograph is likely to be the name of the local photographer Willis Leiter.
The photo at the top right of the screen is a baseball team. The name of the team may have been "The Lorains". No other information is known about the team at this time. Photographer is unknown.
The photograph at the bottom right is of a large group of people in what appears to be a ballroom. The photo is labeled "Odd Fellows" in the bottom left of the photo, while "Lorain, O" is written on the bottom right of the photo. This is likely the local chapter of the national Odd Fellows organization, a fraternal organization in the United States. Photographer is unknown.