Canalos Brothers Pool Room in Lorain, Ohio, c. 1912

A postcard view of the interior of Canalos Brothers Pool Room in Lorain, Ohio circa 1912. The photograph on the postcard shows an empty room with several billiards tables. The back of the postcard (unscanned) bears a postmark of April 15, 1912, Lorain, Ohio. The card is addressed to Miss Clara Held, #10 Smith Court, Elyria, Ohio. The text of the card reads as follows: "Hello Pal: nice walk I had last night. Just got here in time. Went to the restaurant and didn't get in until two. Hope you feel better to-day." Postcard published by The Leiter Post Card Co., Lorain, Ohio. Photographer is most likely Willis Leiter.

~ Doane Collection of the Lorain Public Library System, “Canalos Brothers Pool Room in Lorain, Ohio, c. 1912,” Lorain County Memory, accessed March 12, 2025,

Dublin Core


Canalos Brothers Pool Room in Lorain, Ohio, c. 1912


A postcard view of the interior of Canalos Brothers Pool Room in Lorain, Ohio circa 1912. The photograph on the postcard shows an empty room with several billiards tables. The back of the postcard (unscanned) bears a postmark of April 15, 1912, Lorain, Ohio. The card is addressed to Miss Clara Held, #10 Smith Court, Elyria, Ohio. The text of the card reads as follows: "Hello Pal: nice walk I had last night. Just got here in time. Went to the restaurant and didn't get in until two. Hope you feel better to-day." Postcard published by The Leiter Post Card Co., Lorain, Ohio. Photographer is most likely Willis Leiter.


Lorain Public Library System
Albert Doane




Willis Leiter
The Leiter Post Card Company


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