Fireman's Parade in downtown Lorain, Ohio

1905 - 1912 / Downtown Lorain

A unit of the Fireman's Parade processes past the Leiter Studio at 657 Broadway in Lorain, Ohio. Four men pull a large white-painted wagon labeled "1880 Lorain's first hook and ladder 1880". A carriage pulled by two horses and driven by a man in a black suit and bowler hat processes immediately behind the wagon. This photograph was taken by well-known early Lorain photographer Willis Leiter, most likely between 1905 and 1910. Leiter was also the owner of the Leiter Post Card Company, and this photo was used in his photo post card business. (Lorain: The Real Photo Postcards of Willis Leiter by Albert Doane, Bill Jackson, Paula Shorf et al. Arcadia Publishing, 2014.)

~ Doane Collection of the Lorain Public Library System, “Fireman's Parade in downtown Lorain, Ohio,” Lorain County Memory, accessed February 26, 2025,

Dublin Core


Fireman's Parade in downtown Lorain, Ohio


A unit of the Fireman's Parade processes past the Leiter Studio at 657 Broadway in Lorain, Ohio. Four men pull a large white-painted wagon labeled "1880 Lorain's first hook and ladder 1880". A carriage pulled by two horses and driven by a man in a black suit and bowler hat processes immediately behind the wagon. This photograph was taken by well-known early Lorain photographer Willis Leiter, most likely between 1905 and 1910. Leiter was also the owner of the Leiter Post Card Company, and this photo was used in his photo post card business. (Lorain: The Real Photo Postcards of Willis Leiter by Albert Doane, Bill Jackson, Paula Shorf et al. Arcadia Publishing, 2014.)


Lorain Public Library System
Albert Doane


1905 - 1912


Willis Leiter


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