The interior of the Majestic Theatre, Lorain, Ohio

c 1912 - 1914 / Downtown Lorain

A view of the stage of the Majestic Theatre in Lorain, Ohio. Known as the Majestic Theatre when it first opened in 1907, it was also known as the Opera House and the State Theater before it was destroyed in the tornado that hit downtown Lorain on June 28, 1924. Willis Leiter is likely the photographer, as the caption on the bottom of the photograph is in his handwriting. The date of the photograph is not known, but is likely sometime between 1912 - 1914.

~ Doane Collection of the Lorain Public Library System, “The interior of the Majestic Theatre, Lorain, Ohio,” Lorain County Memory, accessed February 25, 2025,

Dublin Core


The interior of the Majestic Theatre, Lorain, Ohio


A view of the stage of the Majestic Theatre in Lorain, Ohio. Known as the Majestic Theatre when it first opened in 1907, it was also known as the Opera House and the State Theater before it was destroyed in the tornado that hit downtown Lorain on June 28, 1924. Willis Leiter is likely the photographer, as the caption on the bottom of the photograph is in his handwriting. The date of the photograph is not known, but is likely sometime between 1912 - 1914.


Albert Doane
Lorain Public Library System


c 1912 - 1914


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