Broadway Building, Lorain, Ohio, 1930s.

Date Unknown / Downtown Lorain

The Broadway Building, placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1985, is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Broadway Avenue and West Erie Avenue near the mouth of Lorain Harbor, one block west of the Black River. Multiple cars, a truck and a bus can be seen traveling on the streets past the Broadway Building. The bus has the route label "West Erie". The panel truck headed north on Broadway has "Cleveland Ice Cream" painted on the side of the truck. There is a restaurant sign hung on the side of the hotel facing Broadway, but the name of the restaurant cannot be deceiphered. The photographer is unknown. The date of the photograph is not certain, but must have been taken sometime after 1926, when the building was constructed. A likely date is possibly some time in the 1930s.

~ Doane Collection of the Lorain Public Library System, “Broadway Building, Lorain, Ohio, 1930s.,” Lorain County Memory, accessed February 24, 2025,

Dublin Core


Broadway Building, Lorain, Ohio, 1930s.


The Broadway Building, placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1985, is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Broadway Avenue and West Erie Avenue near the mouth of Lorain Harbor, one block west of the Black River. Multiple cars, a truck and a bus can be seen traveling on the streets past the Broadway Building. The bus has the route label "West Erie". The panel truck headed north on Broadway has "Cleveland Ice Cream" painted on the side of the truck. There is a restaurant sign hung on the side of the hotel facing Broadway, but the name of the restaurant cannot be deceiphered. The photographer is unknown. The date of the photograph is not certain, but must have been taken sometime after 1926, when the building was constructed. A likely date is possibly some time in the 1930s.


Albert Doane
Lorain Public Library System


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