Melissa Shirley, 9/11 oral history

Melissa Shirley was an elementary school student in Bowie, Maryland when the attacks happened. At the time, her father was working in Washington, D.C., her cousin had a job in the Twin Towers, and a close friend of her family's was in one of the towers when it was attacked.

~ Nathaniel Box, “Melissa Shirley, 9/11 oral history,” Lorain County Memory, accessed January 15, 2025,


Dublin Core


Melissa Shirley, 9/11 oral history


Melissa Shirley was an elementary school student in Bowie, Maryland when the attacks happened. At the time, her father was working in Washington, D.C., her cousin had a job in the Twin Towers, and a close friend of her family's was in one of the towers when it was attacked.



North Ridgeville Library


Tuesday, August 31, 2021


Lorain Public Library


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Oral history