Item Tags
- 1830
- 1870
- 1895
- 1896
- 1900
- 1905
- 1908
- 1910
- 1915
- 1916
- 1920
- 1921
- 1924
- 1927
- 1930
- 1934
- 1935
- 1936
- 1938
- 1940
- 1944
- 1945
- 1948
- 1950
- 1954
- 1955
- 1956
- 1957
- 1959
- 1962
- 1963
- 1964
- 1965
- 1968
- 1969
- 1979
- 1982
- 1983
- 1984
- 1985
- 1986
- 1987
- 1988
- 1989
- 20th Street
- 4th Street
- 5th St.
- 5th Street
- 6th
- 9/11
- 9th st
- Advertising
- African American
- aftermath
- Air Traffic Control
- Alten
- attack
- Automobiles
- Avon
- Barber
- Barnett
- Bath House
- Beck
- boat
- bookmobile
- Bradley
- Bridges
- Broadway
- Broadway Avenue
- Brookside
- Brownell St.
- Burgett
- Business
- business district
- car
- Central Lorain
- chicken
- Chloe Wofford
- church
- debris
- Detroit Road
- Doane
- Domonkas
- Downtown Lorain
- Duane
- East 20th Street
- East Erie Avenue
- Elyria Avenue
- Emmanuel
- Erie Avenue Viaduct Bridge
- Erie St.
- Erie St. Viaduct
- Erie Street
- Erie Street Viaduct Bridge
- F. & W. Grand 5-10-25 Cent Store
- Fifth Street
- Fire Station
- Fire Station No. 1
- fire truck
- football
- Frank Rosso Grocery Store
- George Wofford
- Georgia Ave
- Hageman
- Hamilton Avenue
- Hamilton Street
- Harold "Ford" Morrison
- Haslege
- Heagerty
- high school
- history
- Holy Trinity Church
- house
- houses
- Immaculate Conception Church
- Immigrants
- interior view State Theater
- international
- Italians
- Jones
- Katherine
- Kenneth Brooks
- Kenneth Cromer
- Kroger Grocery
- Lake
- Leader
- Library
- Little
- Lois Brooks
- Lois Wofford
- Lorain
- Lorain Business
- Lorain Chamber of Commerce
- Lorain City Schools
- Lorain High School
- Lorain Mill and Supply
- Lorain Ohio
- Lorain Printing Co.
- Lorain Public Library System
- Lorain Schools
- Manhattan
- McCue
- men
- middle school
- Miscellaneous
- morgue
- morning journal
- National Tube Company
- New York
- Nobel Prize
- Norman Herschelman
- Oberlin
- Oberlin Ave
- Oberlin College
- Ohio
- oral history
- orchard
- pageant
- park
- Pearson
- photo
- postcard
- princess
- queen
- Railroad
- Ramah Willis
- Ramah Wofford
- rear view
- Red Cross
- Reed
- Reflections
- Reinhart
- reunion
- Richman Brothers
- river
- Rudy Moc
- ruins
- sawmill
- school
- Scimitar
- sesquicentennial
- Sheffield
- Sheffield Lake
- Sheffield-Lake
- Sherrod Brown
- ship
- shore
- soldiers
- Sonia Sanchez
- Spivey
- Stamps
- State Theater
- Steel
- Steel Industry
- Stephen Domonkas
- street
- suffrage
- Sweden
- temporary morgue
- theater
- Toni Morrison
- tornado
- train
- tree
- U.S. Route 6
- W. Erie Street
- Warner Conservatory
- Washington
- Washington Street
- Waverly
- Waverly Park
- West 5th Street
- West Erie St.
- West Erie Street
- Williams
- yearbook